Propel joins the fight against COVID-19
Enhance your current COVID-19 prevention protocol with
Propel's B2B Contact Tracing Platform
that will immediately alert you of potential exposure and help you take measures at an early stage that will prevent the spread of COVID-19 between your employees, service providers, suppliers and customers.
Ideal for businesses with
multiple locations that are visited by
multiple suppliers and service providers
- Gas Stations and Convenience Stores
- Drug Stores
- Supermarkets
- Restaurants
- Fast Food Chains
- and many others
How it works
Service providers and suppliers - If your employees are visiting your customers, they can get infected and spread the virus to subsequent customers. Multiple location owners - If you are receiving suppliers and service providers into your facilities, they can bring the virus and infect your employees and customers. Collaborate to keep your Industry OPEN - With Propel's B2B Contact Tracing you can notify and get immediate notifications of infection incidents and share the information confidentially with your suppliers, service providers and customers. Early detection and quarantine of infected employees will keep your industry open with a minimum workforce disruption and business interruption.
Propel makes contact tracing fast and efficient by accurately tracking visit locations and times.
Keep your Industry OPEN!
Quick Service Restaurants
Government Facilities
Add Propel's B2B Contact Tracing Platform to your prevention protocol now!
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